At Regenerative Cell Therapy Solutions, we offer innovative solutions to help heal joint damage and injuries quickly while reducing inflammation, pain, and discomfort.

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Phone consultation to see if you qualify for treatment.

An Integrative Approach to Joint Care

Joint Pain Relief Is Achievable through our multifaceted Joint Rejuvenation Program

Joint Rejuvenation Treatments

Our Joint Rejuvenation Treatment is an effective and non-surgical way to relieve chronic joint pain and improve joint functions. We do not utilize any form of anti-inflammatories or narcotics. Instead, it is a unique approach using various therapies and modalities to encourage your body to heal itself rather than simply masking your pain. Our carefully selected joint injections can help add cushioning and structural support to the damaged tissue in the affected area to improve the injury, disease, or condition. Essentially, this is tapping into the patient's healing system to promote self-healing. As a result, many joint diseases and conditions may improve with our Joint Rejuvenation Treatment.

Joint Rejuvenation Treats Acute & Chronic Joint Pain

Sped Recovery Time For Many Joint Conditions — No Drugs or Surgery!
Conditions Joint Rejuvenation Treats

Spinal Column

Back or Neck Pain

Joint Rejuvenation for Back/Neck

Reduce chronic or acute back and neck pain with our non-invasive therapies.

Upper Extremities

Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, or Hand Pain

Joint Rejuvenation for Upper Extremities

Promote natural healing while decreasing inflammation with our drug-free therapies.

Lower Extremities

Hip, Knee, Ankle, or Foot Pain

Joint Rejuvenation for Lower Extremities

Relieve aches, pains, and stiffness after a few treatments, with no adverse side effects or recovery time.


Muscle, Cartilage, Tendons, or Ligament Injuries

Joint Rejuvenation for Soft tissues

Increase circulation and decrease inflammation to promote the natural healing of tissue damage.

Joint Pain? Reduce your pain with Joint Rejuvenation.

Joint Rejuvenation reduces pain and inflammation without addictive medication. Begin improving your quality of life with a consultation.

Joint Rejuvenation Is Fast & Effective

Benefit From This Non-Surgical Therapy Program
Joint Rejuvenation is applied to the injured area The joint causing your pain will be examined, and then a custom treatment plan involving the therapies that best help your unique condition will be provided and reviewed with you.
The Acoustic waves induce microtrauma in damaged tissues Joint Rejuvenation injections will be administered in a single appointment outlined in your treatment plan. Other non-invasive therapies will be recommended during this appointment to optimize your joint pain relief results.
During the repair process, new blood vessels form, circulation increases, inflammation decreases Optional therapies will work in unison to stimulate the natural repair processes of damaged tissues while relieving pain, stiffness, and inflammation.

Take Advantage Of The Benefits

Alleviates Joint Pain

Reduces Joint Stiffness

Decreases Inflammation

Promotes Natural Healing

Improves Joint Functions

Increases Mobility

Speeds Up Recovery

Non-Surgical, Drug-Free

Patient Success

Get Excited About Joint Rejuvenation with our patients!

Regenerative Cell Therapy Solutions has changed my life, I have had severe left and right knee pain for well over 2 years. I had two torn meniscus and a partial torn PCL. I've seen several orthopedic surgeons over the past 2 years and each one wanted to immediately do surgery, i was trying to avoid this at all cost. I was introduced to Joint Rejuvenation therapy earlier this year and after doing extensive research on this topic I decided to take the leap and get the injections. I'm now 11 weks post injection and can happily say that day to day I'm a constant 80% improvement. Minimal to no swelling and minimal pain with Evey day activities. I highly recommend this therapy to anyone who is a candidate.


I have been suffering with pain from Osteoarthritis in my low back. I have been in gymnastics since I was 5 years old. I came across Regenerative Cell Therapy Solutions approx three months ago, just scrolling.. I did a lot of research, and it was a no brainer to get in as soon as possible. the staff made it so easy and comfortable for me to make an educated decision that has actually changed my life!!! They truly cared about my situation. I have already and would again highly recommend this treatment to anyone in true pain.


Well, coming to Regenerative Cell Therapy Solutions, I was open at the point to what else can I do to help myself from the pain that I was constanitly having. I recently received the last cortisone shot in May. When I said that ongoing pain that doesn't stop. I was in in crucial pain that I hadn't had for years as I can remember. So, that pain brought me into Regenerative Cell Therapy Solutions for the Joint Rejuvenation shot, that I highly heard it was it!!! I did not know what to expect, but this was my last choice to make this decision that I wanted to do. Because my playing sports days was not over. According to how I am feeling since I had my 1st shot 8 weeks ago! woot! Woot! and have three more to go! I feel like I am back in my fourties ;). I want to thank the staff who made me as comfortable as possible with the jokes and my Doctor who made me as comfortable and relax by knowing all about Rush Hospital where he was there many moons ago! What a great staff. I highly suggest Joint Rejuvenation.


The treatment really benefitted me, it was worth my investment and no surgery. I’m very happy. The staff was great!


It worked for me! I had injections in my knee in Aug. 2019, foot Oct. 2019, and lower back and neck Jan. 2020 and all feel much better now. Moreover, all who work there are fine people.


I had injured myself while I service and hurt my rotator cuff during a trainingel event. I had the Joint Rejuvenation Treatment, I'm not saying I'm %100 better but there has been a significant improvement in the range of motion and the pain.


*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

Injured? Jumpstart recovery with Joint Rejuvenation.

Joint Rejuvenation stimulates natural healing by awakening cellular repair processes within injured tissues. To begin helping your body heal, schedule your consultation.

Medical Professional

Our Doctor is dedicated to patient-focused care!
Dr. Gerald Helwig Dr. Gerald Helwig Regenerative Specialist

Joint Rejuvenation FAQs

Find Out More About Our Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program!
Does This Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program Work?

Our Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program helps improve various joint conditions and injuries. Generally, patients feel a significant decrease in pain levels and an increase in mobility in a matter of weeks after starting this therapy program.

Is This Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program Safe?

Yes, our Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program is safe! This unique program utilizes the safest and most effective non-invasive therapy options to date.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

Every patient’s condition or injury is unique and may require a different amount of therapy sessions. We develop therapy plans for each patient based on a thorough examination and assessment of the injury or condition. Additional sessions may be provided if new injuries occur or if degenerative injuries arise in other areas. Most patients who try our Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program experience pain relief and improved mobility after only a few sessions.

What Results Can I Expect?

Results depend on the extent of damage to the injured area, the type of condition or injury being treated, and the location of the injured area. Typically, patients respond positively to our Advanced Joint Rejuvenation Program and even receive pain relief after one therapy session.

How Long Does The Process Take?

Typically, the process can take a matter of weeks, or in some cases, months. Each patient and their condition is unique, which is why we tailor our program to the patient’s individual needs.

How Can I Improve My Results?

At Regenerative Cell Therapy Solutions, we individualize our therapy plans to ensure each patient’s therapy is as successful as possible. During this program you will receive advanced therapy solutions and assistance with rehabilitation tailored to your condition or injury.

Limited Mobility? We can help with Joint Rejuvenation.

Joint Rejuvenation provides support and nutrients to improve joint functionality and increase mobility. To receive the care you deserve, schedule your consultation.